Hydroseed and Sod
Hydroseeding is a planting process that uses a slurry of seed and dyed green mulch, starter fertilizer and water. It is often used as an erosion control technique on construction sites and as an alternative to the traditional process of broadcasting or sowing dry seed. The hydroseeding slurry is transported in its own tank, mounted on a truck and sprayed over prepared ground. Large areas can be hydroseeded in a very short period of time. It is a cost effective method of seeding and less expensive then laying sod. We have been hydro-seeding in the capital district since 1984. (We have a 10,000 sq ft minimum)
Sodding is the process of laying strips of pre-grown grass and their root system. The lawn area must first be prepared, weed and grass free, and raked to loosen the top layers of soil. We purchase from a local sod farmer to ensure it is fresh cut and healthy. Because it’s a perishable product, sod must be laid out the day it is delivered.